Saturday 12 November 2011

It's been a while since our last blog for which I apologise but the studio has been so busy I have barely had time to sit in my new igloo let alone sit at the computer. Boxes have been going in and coming out at all hours of the day - proofs have no sooner appeared then they have been rushed back to the printers for printing into thousands more cards and in general everyone is looking a little tired and emotional.

On the good news front  - Lynsey, despite having a horrid cold this week, has found a wonderful job as a lecturer and researcher at Heriot Watt University. I always said she was too intelligent to work here - she was definitely the best tickler of my tummy I've ever come across - so we will be a little bit sad at the end of November when she leaves.

And talking of leaves ...look at this beautiful photo that Shelley took this morning. It really looks spectacular from our studio window.